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About Paul

Paul Jackson environmental portrait

Paul Jackson was born, bred and educated in Australia. He has a Phd in electrical engineering and is the MD of Sumnet, specialists in electronic solutions for cable and telecommunications companies.

Paul has additional talents as the king of any roast meat, chocolate connoisseur and lover of all sorts of food, from half digested clams recovered from the stomachs of Inuit culled walrus, to crispy soy crickets - from Belgian chocolates to Peking duck.

Paul has an insatiable curiosity about the natural world, has a love for fine music (folk being one of his favourites but his CD collection is eccentrically broad) loves capturing his adventures on film (now on digital) and has a broad tolerance for all sorts of humans. He loves the sting of the cold arctic, the colour of the steamy tropics and just about any location in between. This man drinks deep from the cup of life and has a large army of friends, as testament to his generosity of spirit.

If you are curious about the equipment Paul uses to capture his stunning images, you can see his equipment list here.

South American Tern (Sterna hirundinacea)
© 2018 Jackson